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Welcome to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish - Adams

Location: Suna Road, Off Ngong Road. 200m from the Adams Arcade Roundabout Opp Uchumi

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Who we are?

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is a Ministry by Missionaries of Guadalupe, known locally as Guadalupe Fathers ....

Guadalupe Pastoral Ministry takes care of the Spiritual needs of  parishioners  from diverse socio- economic backgrounds....

Log onto Guadalupe Blog for; up to date parish News, current stories, articles, discussions,  issues & grow your faith ...

Celebrate with us, the Joys & Labour of our ministry captured here in videos & pictures. Visit our Gallery to see more ... 

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          News & Events

      April Activities:

  • The last week of March was the Holy Week, 1st week of April is Easter Week.
  • Sunday 07th  Handing over the cross of Faith to the  next Parish
  • Sunday 21st :  Official Introduction of the development committee, Blessing of the Guadalupe Hall, Guadalupe Studio & the Newly built Perimeter wall of the Parish.
  • Sunday 21st: Is the 4th Sunday of Easter. "the GOOD SHEPHERD" Sunday or VOCATIONS SUNDAY. see More



*Kis 7.00am    *  Eng 8.30am
*Kis 10.00am  *  Eng 12.00pm

*Eng 5.30pm

Our Lady of Lourdes Sub Parish 

1st Mass: Kiswahili 7.00am

2nd Mass: Kiswahili 9.30am

3rd Mass: English 11.00am



Monday - Saturday

Morning :7.00am,

Lunch Hr: 1.00pm  & 

Evening: 5.30pm


Masses at OUR Outstations:

Only one mass is celebrated as follows

St. Thomas: Sun 8.00am - 10.00am

St. Luke:  Sun 8.00am - 10.00am

St. Domnic: Every 4th Sat @ 4.00pm

St. Bakhita: Every 2nd Sat @ 6.00pm

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Sub Parishes/Outstations/Partners

Christ the King Parish - Kibera

Angaza-Guadalupe Fellowship

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